66 Days

As part of the Mayflower 400 commemorations, four composers from nonclassical - the London-based music promoter, record label and events producer - will present a multimedia piece that takes journeys, migration and cultural identities as its themes.

The project, which has been commissioned by the City of London Corporation for its 'Our City Together' programme, will stretch across 66 days – the duration of the Mayflower's journey to North America.

Each of the four composers from nonclassical will collaborate with another artist - Lola de la Mata with Britta Thie; Blasio Kavuma with Jess Nash; Dan Samsa with Alison D’Souza; and Yfat Soul Zisso with Sasha Balmazi-Owen.

The works will be premiered here on 16 September at 6pm, marking the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower setting sail.

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