Virtual Voyages: Life after the Journey

This Virtual Voyage looks at the life of the Pilgrims as it was in January 1621.

Four hundred years ago today, the Mayflower’s passengers were experiencing their first taste of life in America.

The harsh conditions of America’s east coast were unforgiving and the unrelenting winter would ultimately devastate the new colony, killing half their number.

They had chosen to settle on land that had already been inhabited and were living in a region that had been home to Indigenous people for generations.

In order to survive, they would need to form an alliance with those very people and lean heavily on their skills and experience.

Our video explores the Mayflower passengers' first winter in America and how they survived to create their settlement.

It features Richard Pickering, Deputy Director of Plimoth Patuxet living museum, and an expert on the region, the Mayflower and its history.


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